Spring Play

Welcome to our play (or non-musical production). This program is for students in grades 3rd – 8th. Our productions are very special as we only accept 20 or fewer actors per production (depending on the show) to ensure quality of instruction and experience for each young actor. All young performers are guaranteed a significant speaking role in the production.

Brief Interviews with Internet Cats

By: Patrick Greene

Celebrity interviewer Ian McWorthy has a dream line-up for tonight’s episode of the World Wide Window: a veritable litterful of felines whose internet antics have catapulted them to fame. In this fast-paced series of hilarious interviews, Ian uncovers the story behind Tuffy’s first dramatic foray into a cardboard box, learns just what makes Nelson the Grouchy Cat so very, very grouchy, contends with the diva-like antics of Kitty Boo Boo and her entourage, and so much more. So stay tuned! Things are bound to get a little…hairy.

Play: Fridays

  • TIME: 4:30 – 5:30 PM (4:30 – 6:30PM Double Sessions Begin March 15)
  • GRADES: 3 – 8
  • 22 HOUR-LONG SESSIONS: Fridays
  • Please check the mandatory dates below, as well as the other calendar dates between January 12th and April 21st.
    • AUDITION DAY: Saturday, January 13 (10:00AM-12:00PM)
    • TECHNICAL REHEARSAL: Saturday, April 13 (10:00AM-12:00PM)
    • DRESS REHEARSAL: Friday, April 19 (4:30-6:30PM)
      • Saturday April 20 (5:30 PM, 7:00 PM)
      • Sunday April 21 (2:00 PM)

  • TOTAL PRICE $480 (This price includes the Registration Fee below)
    • TUITION: 4 monthly payments of $110.00
      • (22 Sessions at $20/each)
    • 1 Materials/Admin fee $40
  • REGISTRATION FEE $150.00 This Includes:
    • January’s Tuition: $110.00 (Non-refundable after January 5th)
    • Materials/Administration: $40.00 (Non-refundable 24 hours after purchase)
  • MAX: 16 Actors

Set up a Monthly Payment Plan by clicking one of the buttons below:

Pay Full Semester HERE

"Theatre is immediate, it's alive, you're there with the audience, it can't be done again and again and again and again, it's organic" ~ Kim Cattrall